Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pink AND Blue....

...PAINT, that is! I am happy to say that I finally got the girls' room and the bathroom painted this week. Yay!! The jobs aren't totally done; I still need to go back and paint the ceilings in both room and the beadboard in the girls' room...but AT LEAST the walls are done.

Doug and the girls and I went down to Fallbrook on Saturday to pick up my good ol' friend Clyde (a.k.a. the very first car I ever bought - a 1995 Isuzu Rodeo - that Doug's parents have had for the past few years and are kindly letting us use now that Doug sold his Tacoma). While Doug and the girls stayed the night, I drove back home to have some uninterrupted time to paint. It was a long, lonely night (to be quite honest) but well worth it. The girls were too sleepy Sunday night to notice (they didn't get back until close to 10pm), but when they woke up Monday morning they were ecstatic to see their PINK room. Roo actually came running up to me later that morning, threw her arms around my legs, and emphatically said "Thank you for my pink room, mama...thank you SO much! I love it!!" Needless to say, it was really cute to see how something as small as a free can of paint could bring so much happiness and joy to the two little girls I love. (By the way - thank you mom for the paint. I know I said it before, but I really, REALLY appreciate you thinking of us when you picked it up).

Anyway, enough of my rambling. Here are some pictures from my fun weekend of painting...(coloring isn't the greatest since they were taken in poor light at 2am in the morning, but it's gives you an idea of the before and after)


The two rooms are FAR from being done...I need to find shelves and towels and rugs for the bathroom, and I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing for the girls headboard slipcovers, wall-hangings/art, and curtains...BUT, at least this is one less thing I have to think/worry about. 

Now, if only I could decide on a color for the rest of the house....2 rooms down, 5 more to go!! Oy ve...

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