Thursday, February 19, 2009

Quack, Quack...

So, lately the girls have been in a bit of an animal phase - they love pretending to be different kinds of animals, and they get a kick out of having me join in. The other day, we were waddling around the kitchen pretending to be ducks (one of their recent favorites....apparently they think it's funny to see their mama's big bootie waddling around like a duck), when the following conversation took place:

Roo: Mama, mama...Hi mama.
Me: Hi Roo.
Roo: Mama, look at me. I a baby quack, quack.
Me: That's right Roo, you're acting like a baby duck.
Roo: Yeah mama...I a quack quack, and you're a BIG quack!
Me: (laughing) Yup...I'm a quack Roo...a mama quack.
Roo: (laughing because her mama is, not realizing the humor in what she just said).

So, there you have it folks, it's official...I'm a quack....a BIG quack.

1 comment:

  1. Okay...that's really cute! I need to write the things that allie says down. :) Those little things are the best.
