Monday, November 24, 2008

Object of my Gratitude #4 - My Life

This one is a little more difficult to explain, but in short, I am grateful for my life....better yet, I am grateful for the direction in which my life is moving. One of my favorites quotes goes something along the lines of "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." I am grateful for the challenges, surprises, and learning experiences I have been faced with throughout my life. I am thankful for the continuously changing elements and factors that help me to improve and become a better person.

I am thankful to be a wife to a wonderful husband, and a mother to the two most adorable twins. As surprised as I was to find out I was pregnant with twins, they have blessed and improved my life more than I can explain. I am grateful to live in the United States and to have all the freedoms and liberties this nation provides. I am thankful for our tiny little apartment in Arizona, but I am also grateful for the opportunity to buy a home in California [hopefully soon]. I am thankful for my formal education and I am even more grateful to be drawing near to [finally] obtaining my Bachelor's degree. I am grateful for Doug's job; for the peace of mind it provides in this tumultuous economic time and for the quality of life it provides our family.

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